Monday, 22 July 2013

Results time

Ten days ago, I decided that I would achieve a set list of goals within a set period of time. This is what I said I would do:

1) Write 70,000 words
2) Read 5 books
3) Write 4 songs
4) Walk 150,000 steps
5) Learn the kings and queens of England and the dates of their rule
6) Learn how to memorise a deck of playing cards

This is what I actually achieved:

1) I wrote just over 10,000 words
2) I read 3 books
3) I wrote 0 songs
4) I walked 110,000 steps
5) I didn't learn nothing about the kings and queens of England and the dates of their rule
6) I wrote a PAO system, but can't yet memorise a deck of playing cards

This is what I learned:

Setting unrealistic targets leaves you feeling like you've been a bit slack.
A heatwave is not a good time to try and do indoor things.
If you really want to do one thing, do that.

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