Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Poem a day, 28: September 28th 2010

Having a name, which appears to contain
a subject and a verb
often inspired children to finish the sentence.
It quickly became
‘Sam Drew a picture’
Which was fine
for a time
until my contemporaries added clauses
and created a narrative of my life
so far from the truth
it became irritating:

‘Sam Drew a picture
of his family
in the car together
going somewhere
on holiday, perhaps.’

‘Sam Drew a picture
of the expanding reaches
of the infinity of space.’

‘Sam Drew a picture
of his friends

‘Sam Drew a picture
of himself as an adult
with financial success
and justification for why
this would be desirable.’

Truth be told
the only thing I ever drew
was my friend and his girlfriend
at Land’s End.
The picture has a picturesque view
smudged, and the lovers
existing in each other
And that never came true.

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